.. _hooks: SitePackage.lua and hooks ========================= Sites may wish to alter the behavior of Lmod to suit their needs. A good place to do this is the ``SitePackage.lua``. Anything in this file will automatically be loaded every time the Lmod command is run. This file can be used to provide common functions that can be used in a sites modulefiles. It is also a place where a site can implement their hook functions. Hook functions are normal functions that if implemented and registered with Lmod will be called when certain operations happen inside Lmod. For example, there is a load hook. A site can register a function that is called every time a module is loaded. There are several hook functions that are discussed in :ref:`hook_functions`. How to set up SitePackage.lua ----------------------------- Here are two suggestions on how to use your SitePackage.lua file: #. Install Lmod normally and then overwrite your SitePackage.lua file over this one in the install directory. This is good for testing but it is recommended that sites use the second method for permanent changes. Otherwise changes may be lost when upgrading Lmod. #. Create a file named "SitePackage.lua" in a different directory separate from the Lmod installed directory and it will override the one in the Lmod install directory. Then you should modify your z00_lmod.sh and z00_lmod.csh (or however you initialize the "module" command) with:: (for bash, zsh) export LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH=/path/to/the/Site/Directory (for csh) setenv LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH /path/to/the/Site/Directory Implementing functions in SitePackage.lua ----------------------------------------- For example your site might wish to provide the following function to set ``MODULEPATH`` inside your SitePackage:: function prependModulePath(subdir) local mroot = os.getenv("MODULEPATH_ROOT") local mdir = pathJoin(mroot, subdir) prepend_path("MODULEPATH", mdir) end This function must be registered with the sandbox so that Lmod modulefiles can call it:: sandbox_registration{ prependModulePath = prependModulePath } Hook tips --------- # If you want to know which modules are being loaded, use the FrameStack:: local frameStk = FrameStk:singleton() -- check if anything else gets loaded if not frameStk:empty() then print("This modules has no dependencies loaded.") end -- the module at the top of the FrameStack is the one the user requested local userload = (frameStk:atTop()) and "yes" or "no" # If you want to know which modules are loaded, you can use the ModuleTable:: local mt = MT:singleton() if mt:exists('shortname') then print("Module shortname is loaded") end # If you want to know the short name or path of a loaded module, you can use the ModuleTable:: local mname = MName:new("mt", FullModuleName) local sn = mname:sn() local version = mname:version() .. _hook_functions: Hook functions -------------- The following is the list of hooks supported by Lmod. To use these hooks will require some Lua coding expertise and studying how the hooks are used in the Lmod program. **load** (...): This function is called after a modulefile is loaded in "load" mode. **unload** (...): This function is called after a modulefile is unloaded in "unload" mode. **colorize_fullName** (fullName, sn): (Returns: string) Allows a site to colorize how module names are displayed in "module av" and "module list". **parse_updateFn** (...): This hook returns the time on the timestamp file. **writeCache** (...): This hook return whether a cache should be written. **SiteName** (...): (Returns: string: SiteName) This hook is used to specify Site Name. It is used to generate family prefix: ``site_FAMILY_COMPILER`` ``site_FAMILY_MPI`` **msgHook** (...): (Return: string) Hook to print messages after avail, list, spider. **errWarnMsgHook** (...): (Returns: string) Hook to print messages after LmodError, LmodWarning, LmodMessage. **groupName** (...): (Returns: string) This hook adds the arch and os name to moduleT.lua to make it safe on shared filesystems. **category** (...): (Returns: array) Allows sites to control what categories are printed for the command **module category**. **avail** (...): Map directory names to labels **restore** (...): This hook is run after restore operation **startup** (UsrCmd): This hook is run when Lmod is called but before any command is run. **finalize** (UsrCmd): This hook is run just before Lmod generates its output of environment variables and aliases and shell functions and exits. **packagebasename** (s_patDir, s_patLib): This hook gives you a table with the current patterns that spider uses to construct the reverse map. **load_spider** (...): This hook is called when spider is evaluating a modulefile. **isVisibleHook** (modT): This hook is called when evaluating whether a module is visible or hidden. It's argument is a table containing: fullName, sn (short name), fn (file path) and isVisible (boolean) of the module. **reverseMapPathFilter** (keepA, ignoreA): (Returns: 2 arrays) This hook returns two arrays: *keepA* and *ignoreA*. The *keepA* is an array of paths patterns that a site wishes to be stored in the spider cache. The *ignoreA* is an array of path patterns to ignore in the cache. See *src/StandardPackage.lua* has an example on how to implement this hook. This hook is used to control the directories that are included/excluded in the reverseMap. **spider_decoration** (table): (Returns: table) This hook provide a way for a site to add decoration to spider level 1 output. The table passed in contains the whatis category and the property table. See *rt/uitSitePkg/mf/site_scripts/SitePackage.lua* for a complete example. Example Hook: msgHook --------------------- A site might like to control the output of list, avail, and spider commands by adding text to the beginning or end of the generated text. Here is an example of how to use the msgHook. So inside a site's SitePackage.lua file one would do:: local hook = require("Hook") function myMsgHook(kind,a) if (kind == "avail") then -- Here is text that would go at the top of avail: table.insert(a,1,"This system has ...\n") table.insert(a,2,"blah blah blah ...\n") table.insert(a,3,"more blah blah blah ...\n") -- Here is text that would go at the end of avail: a[#a+1] = "More blah blah ...\n" a[#a+1] = "yet more blah blah ...\n" elseif (kind == "list") then ... elseif (kind == "spider") then ... end return a end hook.register("msgHook", myMsgHook) As you can see you can add text to the beginning and/or the end of the text that is generated by avail, spider and list. .. _registering_multiple_hook_functions-label: Registering Multiple Hook functions ----------------------------------- Lmod 8.7.35+ supports sites registering multiple functions for a single hook. The function **hook.register()** now takes an optional third argument to control how the functions are evaluated. For example, a site may wish to register more than one load hook:: local function load_hook_a(t) local frameStk = require("FrameStk"):singleton() local mt = frameStk:mt() local simpleName = string.match(t.modFullName, "(.-)/") LmodMessage("Load hook A called on " .. simpleName) end local function load_hook_b(t) local frameStk = require("FrameStk"):singleton() local mt = frameStk:mt() local simpleName = string.match(t.modFullName, "(.-)/") LmodMessage("Load hook B called on " .. simpleName) end hook.register("load", load_hook_a) hook.register("load", load_hook_b) -- overwrites the previous hook, -- expected output for 'module load my_software/version': -- Load hook B called on my_software hook.register("load", load_hook_a) hook.register("load", load_hook_b, "replace") -- overwrites the previous hook function, -- expected output for 'module load my_software/version': -- Load hook B called on my_software -- > the following will run load_hook_a then load_hook_b. hook.register("load", load_hook_a) -- initializes the load hook function hook.register("load", load_hook_b, "append") -- appends to the previous hook function. -- expected output for 'module load my_software/version': -- Load hook A called on my_software -- Load hook B called on my_software -- > the following will run load_hook_b then load_hook_a hook.register("load", load_hook_a) -- initializes the load hook function hook.register("load", load_hook_b, "prepend") -- prepends to the previous hook function -- expected output for 'module load my_software/version': -- Load hook B called on my_software -- Load hook A called on my_software Note that if the optional third argument (the action argument) is not provided, the default behaviour is "replace". There are some hooks (such as groupName, SiteName, etc) that require return values. The last registered hook function will be used to return the value.