Deprecating Modules =================== There may come a time when your site might want to mark a module for deprecation. If you track module usage, you can find the modules that are rarely used, and you can find out which users are using the modules. Once you have decided which modules are marked for removal, you can make a message be printed when the module is loaded. You can create a file called "admin.list" and place it in "/path/to/lmod/etc/admin.list". Note that typically the lmod script will be in "/path/to/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod". The etc directory is independent to the version of Lmod. You can see the location that Lmod is looking for by executing:: $ module --config Look for "Admin File". You can also set the "LMOD_ADMIN_FILE" to point to the admin.list file. The admin file consists of key-value pairs. For example:: moduleName/version: message Or:: Full_PATH_to_Modulefile: message The message can be as many lines as you like. The message ends with a blank line. Below is an example:: gcc/2.95: This module is deprecated and will be removed from the system on Jan 1. 1999. Please change you use of this compiler to a newer one. boost/1.54.0: We are having issues /opt/apps/modulefiles/Compiler/gcc/4.7.2/boost/1.55.0: We are having issues Note that you don't include the .lua part when specifying the version number.