.. _lmodrc-label: The Properties File: lmodrc.lua =============================== This discussion is under construction. Notes: #. The system lmodrc.lua is in init/lmodrc.lua. #. It is copied to the init directory in the installation directory. #. During the install process this file is modified to include the location of the system spider cache. #. Need to explain how the lmodrc table works. #. Point out that sites (and users) can add properties #. Explain how the validT and displayT entries work together. #. Explain how short, long, color, and doc are used. #. Explain that long is not used at the moment. Show how module files can be marked:: propT = { state = { validT = { experimental = 1, testing = 1, obsolete = 1 }, displayT = { experimental = { short = "(E)", long = "(E)", color = "blue", doc = "Experimental", }, testing = { short = "(T)", long = "(T)", color = "green", doc = "Testing", }, obsolete = { short = "(O)", long = "(O)", color = "red", doc = "Obsolete", }, }, }, }