Integration of EasyBuild and Lmod ================================= EB & Lmod work great together. There are variables you should look into for tuning your system optimally, such as ``EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL=Lmod``, ``LMOD_PACKAGE_PATH`` (keep track of loads), ``LMOD_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_MODULES`` (choose buildsets/stages etc) Here is an example of how to ensure that your users can choose to have (or not) the default directory of EasyBuild under home (``$HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all``) in their ``$MODULEPATH``. Conveniently, by going this way users can save/restore environments via Lmod, at will. Features obtained: #. user modulefiles generated via EasyBuild are easy to enable - less typing, too #. ``$MODULEPATH`` is managed via modulefiles in itself #. technique is compatible with ``$LMOD_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_MODULES`` feature #. ``ml save/restore`` work as desired Caveats: * This feature is super-picky on broken module environments, fi: (testable via . Fix that asap, or your modulefiles experience may not be as good as it can! How to put into use ------------------- The two examples are visible below and are ready to be copied in respective filenames ``use.own.eb/append`` & ``use.own.eb/prepend``. Simply place both files in a directory of the existing ``$MODULEPATH`` and decide if you with to *append* or *prepend*: :: $ ml av use.own --------------------- /etc/site/modules --------------------- use.own.eb/append use.own.eb/prepend (D) ------------------- /cm/local/modulefiles ------------------- use.own Where: D: Default Module Use "module spider" to find all possible modules. Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys". $ ml use.own.eb/append $ echo $MODULEPATH /etc/site/modules:/cm/local/modulefiles:/home/user/.local/easybuild/modules/all Example use.own.eb/append ------------------------- :: $ cat /etc/site/modules/use.own.eb/append #%Module1.0##################################################################### ## ## use.own.eb modulefile ## ## modulefiles/use.own.eb. Generated by fgeorgatos ## proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr "\tThis module file will add \$HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all to the" puts stderr "\tlist of directories that the module command will search" puts stderr "\tfor modules. EasyBuild places your own modulefiles here." puts stderr "\tThis module, when loaded, will create this directory if necessary." puts stderr "\n\n" } module-whatis "adds your EasyBuild modulefiles directory to MODULEPATH" eval set [ array get env HOME ] set ownmoddir $HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all # create directory if necessary if [ module-info mode load ] { if { ! [ file exists $ownmoddir ] } { file mkdir $ownmoddir } } module use --append $ownmoddir Example use.own.eb/prepend -------------------------- :: $ cat /etc/site/modules/use.own.eb/prepend #%Module1.0##################################################################### ## ## use.own.eb modulefile ## ## modulefiles/use.own.eb. Generated by fgeorgatos ## proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr "\tThis module file will add \$HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all to the" puts stderr "\tlist of directories that the module command will search" puts stderr "\tfor modules. EasyBuild places your own modulefiles here." puts stderr "\tThis module, when loaded, will create this directory if necessary." } module-whatis "adds your EasyBuild modulefiles directory to MODULEPATH" eval set [ array get env HOME ] set ownmoddir $HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all # create directory if necessary if [ module-info mode load ] { if { ! [ file exists $ownmoddir ] } { file mkdir $ownmoddir } } module use --prepend $ownmoddir